Tasmanian Pickled Pantry stands as the overarching parent brand, embodying the online store that encompasses all facets of the Broadby offerings. This brand serves as the focal point where three distinct businesses (Tasmanian Picked Onions, Windows on Westella, and Broad Acres Vineyard) converge.
A distilled symbol encapsulates the essence of these businesses, representing the diverse offerings available, all while celebrating the essence of Tasmania at its core:
Tasmania serves as the foundation of the Broadby businesses, symbolically situated at the base of the graphic to provide essential support for the entities above.
Visit TasmaniaTasmanian Pickled Onions, positioned at the core, is represented by radiating rings. As the original business, it holds a central place, acting as the centre around which the rest of the businesses are structured.
Tasmanian Pickled OnionsWindows on Westella, distinguished by the iconic windows and sweeping roof overhead, functions as the crowning element at the apex of the gem, mirroring the way the roof seals the café.
Windows on WestellaBroad Acres Vineyard encompasses and completes the gem, encircling everything that precedes it. The vines elegantly intertwine around the other businesses.
Broad Acres Vineyard